BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund - program guide released, applications now being accepted

MAR 7, 2023

In January, the Province announced yesterday that it is launching the new BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund that will invest up to $90 million over three years to support high-value industrial and manufacturing projects to drive clean and inclusive growth in rural, remote and Indigenous communities.

The fund will support established for-profit organizations to plan and launch shovel-ready projects that bring direct benefits and stable, family supporting jobs to regional and Indigenous communities.

There will be two streams of funding:

1. Project Readiness Stream - 50% funding up to $50,000 to help projects that are in the earlier stages of development and will support final-stage business and project planning, and operational or technical assessments for a capital project.

2. Capital Investment Stream - 20% funding to a maximum of $10 million, for projects that are investment ready. These grants will be for capital projects, including new or renovated manufacturing infrastructure, technology, equipment and processes.

The Program is now accepting applications! The Program Guide is available at the link below.

More information is available at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/economic-development/support-organizations-community-partners/rural-economic-development/manufacturing-jobs-fund 

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Village of McBride

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