Bylaws and Policies



By-laws are rules and regulations governing everyone – including associations or corporations. Municipal councils pass municipal by-laws which can affect the local community. Your accessibility advisory committee can help ensure that accessibility issues are part of any new by-laws.

For example, there are:

  • By-laws that set the number of parking spaces designated for use by people with disabilities.
  • By-laws that direct the way council and its committees work and depending on local by-laws, some accessibility advisory committees may have to manage their meetings according to Robert's Rule of Order.

To view or download Village of McBride Bylaws, click below:

Document Center: Bylaws


A policy is a high-level plan or statement that:

  • identifies goals.
  • sets the direction and/or a course of action to achieve those goals.

Who implements policy?

Once council has approved a policy, the municipal administration will put it into action. This team can include the chief administrative officer, standing and executive committees, corporate services and other departments.

To view or download Village of McBride Policies, click below:

Document Center: Policies


Village of McBride

Contact Us

Mon-Tue: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Wed: 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Thu-Fri: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

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Visit us at 100 Robson Centre,
855 S W Frontage Road, McBride, BC V0J 2E0


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