Business Licensing
A Business Licence is required for anyone conducting business within McBride's municipal boundaries. This includes businesses that are located outside of McBride, but operate within Village boundaries, seasonal businesses and home-based businesses. The Business Licence program ensures that businesses operating in McBride comply with Village Bylaws and other regulations.
Business Licences are valid for a calendar year, from the date of purchase to December 31, of that year.
Business Licences are transferable on a case by case basis.
Businesses holding a valid Business Licence, and who provide consent, will be listed in the Village of McBride Business Directory.
Steps to Business Licence approval include:
1. Submission of a completed Business Licence Application Form and all required permits. Please download and complete the Village of McBride Business Licence application form and return it to the Village office for review and approval:
- Business Licence Application fillable pdf
- Alternatively, you can pick up a blank Business Licence Application form at the Village Office
- Check with Northern Health to determine whether you will be required to secure permits to operate your business -
2. Village staff will review the completed application and all required Northern Health permits to ensure that your business complies with all applicable bylaws/agency requirements including:
- Village of McBride Business Licence Bylaw No. 752
- Village of McBride Zoning Bylaw No. 703
- Village of McBride Sign Bylaw No. 691
- Fire Inspection
- Building Inspection in the event that your place of business has been renovated or altered. Contact the Building Inspector at 250-569-4211 for more information
3. Once approved, the applicant will be contacted to attend the office to pay for the Business Licence and will leave with the licence to post in the place of business
Business Licence Most Common Fees are outlined in Schedule J of the Village of McBride Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 805 as follows:
Business Type | Fee |
Commercial | $100 |
Farmer's Market | $100 |
General Contractor | $100 |
Mobile Vendor | $100 |
One-time Only Mobile Vendor | $25 |
Carnival | $250 |
Home Business | $50 |
Licence Transfer/Assignment Fee | $20 |
Application Fee | $0 |
Active Business Licences are to be renewed in January of each year. If there are any changes to your business licence (including email address, phone number, location, etc.), please advise the front desk at the time of renewal. Business owners are responsible for keeping all Village records with respect to their business up to date.