
The Village of McBride is currently engaged in a number of projects that will facilitate economic growth and diversification.

Agriculture Forum 2025

The Village of McBride is organizing a one-day forum to bring together local growers and producers with subject matter experts on a variety of topics (that could include): on-farm emergency management; plant and animal health; climate adaptation and mitigation; sector innovation and competitiveness; production extension and new markets; business management & development, and more.

The Forum will be scheduled for early October - date to be finalized soon - and will likely be held at the Robson Valley Community Centre. There will be no charge for attendees.

If you have a suggestion for a topic you'd like to see addressed at the Forum, please reach out to Karen at , or 250-569-2229.

If you or your organization would like to support the Forum by sponsoring a speaker or lunch and refreshments, please reach out to Karen.

Stay tuned for more information.

Activate Tourism McBride! project

Spring 2025

McBride Alive – a new digital outdoor guide featuring the best of what McBride has to offer visitors – will be launching soon on The guide highlights some of the magical places and experiences that a visitor can enjoy while in McBride and the Robson Valley. Featuring local photography and stories, McBride Alive recommends local businesses and guided experiences, and encourages visitors to shop, eat, and overnight in McBride. The guide will be a launching point for community marketing and promotion in 2025, with goals to increase visitation and support growth of the tourism sector locally. Stay tuned for more details! 

Fall 2024

McBride's new visitor website unveiled!

McBride Tourism launched the new visitor website late last year -, featuring local photography and stories that highlight the unique activities, experiences and events McBride and the Robson Valley have to offer to the visitor.

Tourism Summit

McBride Tourism's 1-day Tourism Summit, held on September 26th, 2024, brought business owners, non-profits, elected officials and tourism stakeholders together tourism professionals and educators, representatives from Community Futures, Northern BC Tourism, Rec Sites and Trails BC for a day of learning, networking and planning for the future of tourism in McBride and area.  

Read more here: Tourism Summit 2024 Report

Read the timeline here: Activate Tourism McBride Timeline

February 1-2, 2024

Tourism Discover Session and Strategic Workshops

-Stakeholder Sessions with local non-profits and businesses

-Tourism Committee Workshop


October 2023

Hello McBride Tourism Industry Stakeholders,

The Village of McBride Tourism Committee has embarked on an ambition process to implement the McBride Tourism Strategy through the “Activate Tourism McBride” Initiative. Consulting Firm Rynic , Chris Field and John Watson, have been retained by the Village to support the implementation of the strategy and advance tourism through the coming year.  

All tourism stakeholders in and around McBride are invited to participate in a detailed survey - Activate Tourism McBride Stakeholder Survey, which will inform tourism direction in areas such as current target markets, specific actions and opportunities.

If you could take a few moments to compete the Activate Tourism McBride Stakeholder Survey and help build Tourism McBride it would be very much appreciated.

Project Background: 
The Activate Tourism McBride project will help build the economic capacity of the local government to support economic diversification focused on growing the tourism sector in and around McBride. The project aligns with Council’s strategic goals to promote a positive business environment by facilitating a diverse economy with a stable workforce. Growing the tourism economy in and around McBride will address what has been identified as both a community need and an opportunity - to foster economic diversification and community resilience. This Activate Tourism McBride Stakeholder Survey will provide an opportunity to provide your support, tourism expertise and experience to the Activate Tourism McBride Initiative. For information on the McBride Visitor Centre and their services please visit To contact the McBride Village office and Economic Development Department please visit call 250-569-2229 or email
Benefits and Partnerships: 
The project will provide many community benefits including supporting the creation of tourism-specific employment with the development of at least two marketable Tourism Experiences/Products in the community; fostering the development of collaborative relationships with local and regional tourism bodies such as the McBride Visitor Centre, Northern BC Tourism and Destination BC, as well as First Nations, which will ensure McBride can capitalize on regional marketing and promotion programs; developing and strengthening the organizational structure and capacity of the McBride Tourism Committee – a group of local volunteers from the business community dedicated to developing and promoting the community as a tourism destination; supporting community and Council goals to diversify the economy towards tourism; and contributing to community resiliency and sustainability.

June 2023

The Village has hired Rynic, an award-winning strategic planning and communications consultancy with extensive experience developing tourism product, branding and marketing in communities across British Columbia, to conduct the project. The Rynic team will be working closely with the Village of McBride, the McBride Tourism Committee, the McBride Visitor Centre and tourism stakeholders locally and regionally. 

April 2023

With funding from the Province's Rural and Economic Development and Infrastructure Program, The Activate Tourism McBride Project will grow the municipality’s economic capacity with a focus on developing the community’s tourism economy and support the creation of a local tourism coordinator position. The project will provide many community benefits, including supporting the creation of tourism-specific employment with the development of at least two marketable Tourism Experiences/Products in the community; fostering the development of collaborative relationships with local and regional tourism bodies such as the McBride Visitor Centre, Northern BC Tourism and DestinationBC, as well as First Nations, to ensure McBride can capitalize on regional marketing and promotion programs; developing and strengthening the organizational structure and capacity of the McBride Tourism Committee – a group of local volunteers from the business community dedicated to developing and promoting the community as a tourism destination; supporting community and Council goals to diversify the economy towards tourism; and contributing to community resiliency and sustainability.

Optimize Website Project

September 2024

New website launched during the McBride Tourism Summit on September 26, 2024.




November 2023

With grant funding from Northern Development Initiative Trust's - Marketing Initiatives Program and funds from McBride's Municipal and Regional District Tax (hotel tax), the Village launched the Optimize Website project in late August to redesign and modernize McBride's tourism website. The Village contracted KIMBO Design Inc. to conduct the project in collaboration with the McBride Tourism Committee, McBride Visitor Centre and tourism stakeholders in the region.

Read the McBride Tourism Summit Report below:

Tourism Summit 2024 Report

Tourism Summit Agenda - September 26, 2024

Register for this FREE event here: 

Stay tuned for more information and a link to register!


Elevate McBride's Historic Train Station Project


February 2025 - nearing completion

The McBride Charlie Leake Cardlock Fuel System Enhancement Project will see the replacement of the airport's old Avgas fuel system, that services small fixed wing aircraft only, with installation of a split fuel tank and fueling cabinets that will carry both Avgas and Jet Fuel. The new fuel system will include spill protection, remote fuel monitoring and leak detection, and be cardlock operated. The new fuel system will ensure safe and reliable fueling facilities and provision of high quality fuel at McBride's airport for both fixed wing and rotary aircraft. The project will support increased revenue generation at the airport and contribute to the development of the facility, ensure provision of Medevac, wildfire and other emergency services to the community. 

Funding for this project through the BC Air Access Program.

Department Contact
Karen Dubé
Economic Development Officer
Village of McBride

Contact Us

Mon-Tue: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Wed: 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Thu-Fri: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

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There no scheduled closures at this time. Regular business hours.

Visit us at 100 Robson Centre,
855 S W Frontage Road, McBride, BC V0J 2E0


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